Click PM10 Analyzer
15 Record Found
Sl. NoIndustry NamestationIdanalyserIdParameterProcess ValueUnitSubmitted DateTimestamp of Analyser
1 The Tinplate Company of India LtdUNIT81D001Nox99.05mg/Nm328-07-2024 00:47:322024-07-28 00:46:00
2 The Tinplate Company of India LtdUNIT81D001so2433.00mg/Nm328-07-2024 00:47:292024-07-28 00:46:00
3 The Tinplate Company of India LtdUNIT81D001PM0.00mg/Nm328-07-2024 00:47:242024-07-28 00:46:00
4 The Tinplate Company of India LtdUNIT81D001Nox128.82mg/Nm328-07-2024 00:32:312024-07-28 00:31:00
5 The Tinplate Company of India LtdUNIT81D001so2455.18mg/Nm328-07-2024 00:32:262024-07-28 00:31:00
6 The Tinplate Company of India LtdUNIT81D001PM0.00mg/Nm328-07-2024 00:32:232024-07-28 00:31:00
7 The Tinplate Company of India LtdUNIT81D001Nox137.90mg/Nm328-07-2024 00:17:322024-07-28 00:16:00
8 The Tinplate Company of India LtdUNIT81D001so2442.26mg/Nm328-07-2024 00:17:272024-07-28 00:16:00
9 The Tinplate Company of India LtdUNIT81D001PM0.00mg/Nm328-07-2024 00:17:222024-07-28 00:16:00
10 The Tinplate Company of India LtdUNIT81D001Nox141.26mg/Nm328-07-2024 00:02:342024-07-28 00:01:00
11 The Tinplate Company of India LtdUNIT81D001so2438.85mg/Nm328-07-2024 00:02:312024-07-28 00:01:00
12 The Tinplate Company of India LtdUNIT81D001PM0.00mg/Nm328-07-2024 00:02:282024-07-28 00:01:00
13 The Tinplate Company of India LtdETP 13D001tss12.80mg/l28-07-2024 00:02:182024-07-28 00:01:00
14 The Tinplate Company of India LtdETP 13D001ph6.63pH28-07-2024 00:02:152024-07-28 00:01:00
15 The Tinplate Company of India LtdETP 13D001flow174.60m3/hr28-07-2024 00:02:122024-07-28 00:01:00