Click PM10 Analyzer
81 Record Found
Sl. NoIndustry NamestationIdanalyserIdParameterProcess ValueUnitSubmitted DateTimestamp of Analyser
1 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_3jhar_analyzer_103CO2.40mg/m328-07-2024 00:51:432024-07-28 00:30
2 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_3jhar_analyzer_103NOx3.06ug/m328-07-2024 00:51:402024-07-28 00:30
3 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_3jhar_analyzer_103NO23.06ug/m328-07-2024 00:51:402024-07-28 00:30
4 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_3jhar_analyzer_103SO29.99ug/m328-07-2024 00:51:302024-07-28 00:30
5 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_3jhar_analyzer_103PM2.53.43ug/m328-07-2024 00:51:302024-07-28 00:30
6 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_3jhar_analyzer_103NO4.96ug/m328-07-2024 00:51:302024-07-28 00:30
7 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_2jhar_analyzer_103CO1.07mg/m328-07-2024 00:51:232024-07-28 00:30
8 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_2jhar_analyzer_103NOx10.30ug/m328-07-2024 00:51:232024-07-28 00:30
9 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_2jhar_analyzer_103NO28.16ug/m328-07-2024 00:51:192024-07-28 00:30
10 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_2jhar_analyzer_103NO2.14ug/m328-07-2024 00:51:192024-07-28 00:30
11 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_2jhar_analyzer_103SO214.31ug/m328-07-2024 00:51:162024-07-28 00:30
12 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103Temperature28.22Degree28-07-2024 00:51:122024-07-28 00:30
13 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_2jhar_analyzer_103PM2.59.38ug/m328-07-2024 00:51:112024-07-28 00:30
14 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103TotalRainFall13.50mm28-07-2024 00:51:102024-07-28 00:30
15 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103Rain0.00mm28-07-2024 00:51:102024-07-28 00:30
16 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103Atmospheric Pressure974.79mBar28-07-2024 00:51:102024-07-28 00:30
17 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103Solar Radiation0.00W/m228-07-2024 00:51:092024-07-28 00:30
18 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103RH99.90%28-07-2024 00:51:082024-07-28 00:30
19 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103Wind_Speed0.00km/h28-07-2024 00:50:582024-07-28 00:30
20 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103CO1.14mg/m328-07-2024 00:50:582024-07-28 00:30
21 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103Wind_Direction333.73Degree28-07-2024 00:50:582024-07-28 00:30
22 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103NOx6.32ug/m328-07-2024 00:50:512024-07-28 00:30
23 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103NO1.83ug/m328-07-2024 00:50:512024-07-28 00:30
24 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103SO225.38ug/m328-07-2024 00:50:512024-07-28 00:30
25 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103NO24.48ug/m328-07-2024 00:50:512024-07-28 00:30
26 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103PM2.527.66ug/m328-07-2024 00:50:442024-07-28 00:30
27 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)Stack_1_Cement Mill_1jhar_analyzer_103PM0.06mg/Nm328-07-2024 00:50:392024-07-28 00:30
28 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_3jhar_analyzer_103PM2.53.01ug/m328-07-2024 00:36:262024-07-28 00:15
29 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_3jhar_analyzer_103SO29.44ug/m328-07-2024 00:36:262024-07-28 00:15
30 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_3jhar_analyzer_103CO1.88mg/m328-07-2024 00:36:252024-07-28 00:15
31 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_2jhar_analyzer_103PM2.515.94ug/m328-07-2024 00:36:252024-07-28 00:15
32 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_3jhar_analyzer_103NOx3.06ug/m328-07-2024 00:36:252024-07-28 00:15
33 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_3jhar_analyzer_103NO23.06ug/m328-07-2024 00:36:232024-07-28 00:15
34 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_3jhar_analyzer_103NO4.96ug/m328-07-2024 00:36:222024-07-28 00:15
35 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103Solar Radiation0.00W/m228-07-2024 00:36:222024-07-28 00:15
36 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_2jhar_analyzer_103NOx10.29ug/m328-07-2024 00:36:212024-07-28 00:15
37 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_2jhar_analyzer_103CO1.07mg/m328-07-2024 00:36:202024-07-28 00:15
38 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_2jhar_analyzer_103NO2.15ug/m328-07-2024 00:36:182024-07-28 00:15
39 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_2jhar_analyzer_103NO28.15ug/m328-07-2024 00:36:182024-07-28 00:15
40 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_2jhar_analyzer_103SO214.32ug/m328-07-2024 00:36:182024-07-28 00:15
41 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103Rain0.00mm28-07-2024 00:36:112024-07-28 00:15
42 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103Atmospheric Pressure974.92mBar28-07-2024 00:36:112024-07-28 00:15
43 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103TotalRainFall13.50mm28-07-2024 00:36:112024-07-28 00:15
44 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103Temperature28.23Degree28-07-2024 00:36:062024-07-28 00:15
45 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103RH99.90%28-07-2024 00:36:062024-07-28 00:15
46 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103Wind_Direction321.50Degree28-07-2024 00:36:062024-07-28 00:15
47 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103Wind_Speed0.86km/h28-07-2024 00:36:062024-07-28 00:15
48 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103NO24.52ug/m328-07-2024 00:36:022024-07-28 00:15
49 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103CO1.13mg/m328-07-2024 00:36:022024-07-28 00:15
50 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103NOx6.37ug/m328-07-2024 00:36:022024-07-28 00:15
51 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)Stack_1_Cement Mill_1jhar_analyzer_103PM0.06mg/Nm328-07-2024 00:35:482024-07-28 00:15
52 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103NO1.84ug/m328-07-2024 00:35:472024-07-28 00:15
53 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103SO225.42ug/m328-07-2024 00:35:462024-07-28 00:15
54 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103PM2.525.81ug/m328-07-2024 00:35:462024-07-28 00:15
55 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_3jhar_analyzer_103CO3.06mg/m328-07-2024 00:21:332024-07-28 00:00
56 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_3jhar_analyzer_103NOx3.06ug/m328-07-2024 00:21:292024-07-28 00:00
57 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_3jhar_analyzer_103NO4.96ug/m328-07-2024 00:21:202024-07-28 00:00
58 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_3jhar_analyzer_103NO23.06ug/m328-07-2024 00:21:192024-07-28 00:00
59 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_3jhar_analyzer_103SO29.86ug/m328-07-2024 00:21:152024-07-28 00:00
60 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_2jhar_analyzer_103NO2.13ug/m328-07-2024 00:21:142024-07-28 00:00
61 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_3jhar_analyzer_103PM2.53.97ug/m328-07-2024 00:21:132024-07-28 00:00
62 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_2jhar_analyzer_103CO1.07mg/m328-07-2024 00:21:122024-07-28 00:00
63 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_2jhar_analyzer_103NO28.16ug/m328-07-2024 00:21:112024-07-28 00:00
64 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_2jhar_analyzer_103NOx10.29ug/m328-07-2024 00:21:112024-07-28 00:00
65 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_2jhar_analyzer_103SO214.33ug/m328-07-2024 00:21:072024-07-28 00:00
66 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103Solar Radiation0.00W/m228-07-2024 00:20:592024-07-28 00:00
67 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103Atmospheric Pressure975.09mBar28-07-2024 00:20:592024-07-28 00:00
68 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_2jhar_analyzer_103PM2.517.29ug/m328-07-2024 00:20:592024-07-28 00:00
69 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103RH99.90%28-07-2024 00:20:562024-07-28 00:00
70 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103TotalRainFall13.50mm28-07-2024 00:20:562024-07-28 00:00
71 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103Rain0.00mm28-07-2024 00:20:562024-07-28 00:00
72 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103Wind_Direction318.46Degree28-07-2024 00:20:502024-07-28 00:00
73 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103Temperature28.23Degree28-07-2024 00:20:502024-07-28 00:00
74 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103Wind_Speed6.25km/h28-07-2024 00:20:502024-07-28 00:00
75 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103CO1.14mg/m328-07-2024 00:20:462024-07-28 00:00
76 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103NO24.49ug/m328-07-2024 00:20:452024-07-28 00:00
77 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103NOx6.37ug/m328-07-2024 00:20:452024-07-28 00:00
78 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103PM2.530.48ug/m328-07-2024 00:20:442024-07-28 00:00
79 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103NO1.91ug/m328-07-2024 00:20:432024-07-28 00:00
80 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)AQMS_1jhar_analyzer_103SO225.36ug/m328-07-2024 00:20:432024-07-28 00:00
81 M/s Jharkhand Cement Plant(A unit of Shree Cement Ltd)Stack_1_Cement Mill_1jhar_analyzer_103PM4.50mg/Nm328-07-2024 00:20:342024-07-28 00:00