Click PM10 Analyzer
16 Record Found
Sl. NoIndustry NamestationIdanalyserIdParameterProcess ValueUnitSubmitted DateTimestamp of Analyser
1 CRM Complex Bara of Tata Steel LtdETP15ETPpH6.67pH28-07-2024 00:47:202024-07-28 00:46:00
2 CRM Complex Bara of Tata Steel LtdETP15ETPTSS11.62mg/l28-07-2024 00:47:182024-07-28 00:46:00
3 CRM Complex Bara of Tata Steel LtdETP15ETPBOD8.13mg/l28-07-2024 00:47:152024-07-28 00:46:00
4 CRM Complex Bara of Tata Steel LtdETP15ETPCOD71.54mg/l28-07-2024 00:47:132024-07-28 00:46:00
5 CRM Complex Bara of Tata Steel LtdETP15ETPpH6.67pH28-07-2024 00:32:182024-07-28 00:31:00
6 CRM Complex Bara of Tata Steel LtdETP15ETPTSS11.62mg/l28-07-2024 00:32:162024-07-28 00:31:00
7 CRM Complex Bara of Tata Steel LtdETP15ETPBOD8.12mg/l28-07-2024 00:32:152024-07-28 00:31:00
8 CRM Complex Bara of Tata Steel LtdETP15ETPCOD71.54mg/l28-07-2024 00:32:132024-07-28 00:31:00
9 CRM Complex Bara of Tata Steel LtdETP15ETPpH6.67pH28-07-2024 00:17:202024-07-28 00:16:00
10 CRM Complex Bara of Tata Steel LtdETP15ETPTSS11.62mg/l28-07-2024 00:17:182024-07-28 00:16:00
11 CRM Complex Bara of Tata Steel LtdETP15ETPBOD8.12mg/l28-07-2024 00:17:152024-07-28 00:16:00
12 CRM Complex Bara of Tata Steel LtdETP15ETPCOD71.66mg/l28-07-2024 00:17:122024-07-28 00:16:00
13 CRM Complex Bara of Tata Steel LtdETP15ETPpH6.67pH28-07-2024 00:02:212024-07-28 00:01:00
14 CRM Complex Bara of Tata Steel LtdETP15ETPTSS11.63mg/l28-07-2024 00:02:182024-07-28 00:01:00
15 CRM Complex Bara of Tata Steel LtdETP15ETPBOD8.13mg/l28-07-2024 00:02:152024-07-28 00:01:00
16 CRM Complex Bara of Tata Steel LtdETP15ETPCOD71.67mg/l28-07-2024 00:02:122024-07-28 00:01:00